Meet The Team | Sports Coaching Experts | Empowering Coaching
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Meet The Team

sports coaching university

Professor Joan Duda

Professor Joan Duda is recognised worldwide for her expertise on motivation psychology and coaching. Based on her 25 years research and applied work in sport and other physical activity settings, Joan created the Empowering Coaching™ family of workshops for coaches & teachers.

sports qualifications

Dr Jullette Stebings

Jullette specialises in Sports Psychology and Coach Education. With an avid interest for Community Sport for Development & Sport in the Secure Estate. Jullette is a key member of the Empowering Coaching team concerning sport, exercise & rehabilitation Sciences.

athletics coaching courses

Paul Appleton

Paul current work concerns testing and validating the Empowering Coaching and associated family of education programmes in different physical activity settings (e.g., PE, sport, education, dance). The programme is theoretically grounded as well as evidence-based.